With energy costs rising you may be finding it hard to handle your bills, particularly gas and electricity. Getting into arrears with your energy supplier or being forced to cut back on food or other essentials can be bad for your physical, financial, and emotional wellbeing. Funding from Cadent enables us to provide practical advice and support to people who are finding it hard to heat their homes or would like to make their homes more energy efficient to reduce their bills.
How we can help
Our experienced, professional advisers can help in a number of different ways: by making sure you are receiving all the benefits you are entitled to; helping you with fuel debt if you have already fallen to arrears; giving you energy saving tips and ideas; helping you work out which energy tariff is the best one for you; helping you to join an oil club or providing access to grants for energy saving improvements and emergency fuel payments.
“Fantastic support. I wouldn’t have been able to cope on my own. So good to have someone on your side that knows how the system works and what help is available.”
We regularly help with:
- Warm Homes Discount
- Priority Service register
- Energy Bills
- Issues with prepayment meters
- Fuel Debts
- Emergency Support
- Grants for home improvements
- Energy saving measures
Online Support
Get help if you are struggling to pay your bills.
Use our budgeting tool to help you understand what you’re earning and spending.
Other Support
The Warm Homes Essex project helps residents who want to save money off their energy bills or are looking to ‘go green’.
For local support if you have high fuel bills or want to improve the energy efficiency of your home go to Uttlesford Frontline and search ‘cold’.
Find out if you are receiving all your benefit entitlements.
Check out our top tips for ways to reduce your spending and increase your income
You can contact us in several ways – we will respond to messages as soon as we can:
01799 618840
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