If you are worried about money or debt, the most important thing is not to feel stuck, or alone, and to know what your options are.
Our advisers continue to be concerned by the number of people turning to unregulated debt management companies that charge for their services.
This can compound your problems and it’s important to know there is expert, impartial, confidential and free advice available.
If you are worried about debt or need some help to manage your finances, call us on 01799 618840, Monday to Friday, 9.30-3.30 to arrange an appointment with one of our money advisers.
How we can help
We’ll assess your whole financial situation, check your benefit entitlements and give you budgeting advice if needed. We can help you to deal with any emergencies, such as bailiff action, the threat of eviction or disconnection, court hearings or any other issues needing urgent attention. Our advice is always free and confidential.
” I did not know how to manage my debt and thankfully I was put in touch with Citizens Advice. I was in such a mess and did not know how to deal with it but now after the brilliant advice I am now able to deal with this better.”
We regularly help with:
- Rent arrears
- Council Tax arrears
- Fuel or other utility debts
- Credit card debt
- Debt relief orders and bankruptcy
- Payday loans
Online Support
Find the information you need to deal with your money issues and make the right choices, including help to deal with problem debt.
If you are confident using the internet, the Consumer Credit Counselling Service have an excellent on-line debt-counselling service www.stepchange.org
Use our budgeting tool to help you understand what you’re earning and spending or see our useful guide to making the most of your money
Other Support
If you want to talk to someone over the phone, you can call the National Debt Line on 0808 808 4000 and speak to an expert adviser who can help you manage your money issues in an informed and proactive way.
Check out our top tips for ways to reduce your spending and increase your income
For information about local hardship finds and emergency support go to Uttlesford Frontline and search ‘money’.
You can contact us in several ways – we will respond to messages as soon as we can:
01799 618840
Online advice from
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